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Here are a few Tuesdays you can sign up for! 

We have decided to create a special night for the cutest little tattoos you can come up with!  Anything that ranges from about and 1-3inches.  It could be a small item, a word - message me a picture and we will make sure it falls in the perimeters.  These tattoos will range from $110 - 150 a tattoo based on color, size and detail - if you are getting multiple there will be a discounted rate.  


We will email you with the time of your appointment that night.  Hours will be from 5-9pm.  We are excited to see what you come up with! Each night will have 5 slots/tattoos per night available: 


Tuesdays Available 

September 3rd - full

October 1st - full

November 5th - one spot

December 3rd

Let’s Make A Difference 

Get in touch so we can schedule your session.

Desired Tuesday
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